How covid affected travelling and many other industries

The pandemic affected a lot of industries and two of the worst ones were the travelling industry and the gambling industry. The travel industry was hit hard with some countries being put on the red list which meant you could not visit or travel to that destination.

The gambling trade was affected by having to close their doors to customers so they had to move to online only and some can be found easily here that are now successful sites since struggling at the start of the pandemic. These are not the only industries to have struggled during the pandemic, but they are probably the most affected ones, especially the travel industry with planes being grounded for so long. Travel has resumed with lockdowns easing but there is still a traffic light system in place for most countries with some still being on the red list due to having high cases of covid. It is great to see that travel is back with many of us needing a well earned break away, the travel industry is now near enough back to its full capacity with flights resuming daily. Many of us had our holidays cancelled and refunded due to covid so it is great to see that we are all able to now book a holiday again.

There are still plenty of rules that apply even when travelling to green list countries, so you need to check up on these before heading anywhere. Travel is now expected to be back to full capacity since the easing of restrictions and normal shops now being open which as well has boosted not only travel to different countries but also travel in the country itself. Over the past few years travel has been restricted due to the pandemic, this caused thousands of people to lose their jobs or to be laid off for a set amount of time, it is a huge boost for so many of us and so many different industries to be able to have travel back and to be able to visit love ones once again in different countries.

Covid was not planned for so it hit a lot of companies by surprise, no one knew the effects it would have on so many different industries. The economy is slowly starting to pick back up again and with travel being back on this will help with that a lot.

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