Can a visa be extended in Austria?

A Schengen visa can be extended in Austria under clearly specified conditions.

Visa holders who are prevented from leaving the Schengen area before the validity of their visa expires because of force majeure or on humanitarian or serious personal grounds, should apply for an extension of their visa in the Member State in which they currently are staying, even if the visa was issued by a consulate of another Member State.

The following requirements apply for a visa to be extended in Austria:

Force majeure or humanitarian or serious personal grounds,
Lawful entry into the federal territory,
Lawful stay in the federal territory,
General requirements for granting a visa are met,
Preceding stay is still less than 90 days within 6 months in the Schengen area (a visa D cannot be extended!).  
Applications must be filed in person or by an authorised representative.

Please contact the hotline of the Federal Ministry for the Interior, department II/3 (01/53126 3557) before applying for a visa extension. Applicants may then be referred to the competent authorised aliens police department as necessary.

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